…all came to our CV workshop last night. They listened to me going through my process for creating a great CV for the film and television industry. And they asked questions. And questions. And questions. The session over ran by well over an hour, trying to get through all of their ideas.

It is always inspiring me when people from very different career paths, working in many different roles, get a chance to talk frankly together about their careers, about their frustrations, get a chance to see their CV from other people’s perspectives. In a career where you’re constantly selling your self as a freelancer, trying to look the best you can, it’s nice to see them let their guards down and be able to learn from each other, and hearing so many different pennies drop in their minds about how they can improve the way they market themselves.

The next bit is waiting to see their new, revamped CVs, which I’m really looking forward to!

Gavin Ricketts is a Producer/Director with over twenty year's experience. His courses on finding work in the creative industries has helped hundreds of Film and TV Crew win more work.